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App Machinery Check

Machinery Check App

“MACHINERY CHECK” is an APP designed to assist and support operators during maintenance operations by collecting operational data from machines or plants. These activities are performed periodically and aim to provide a customer-oriented service and generate business opportunities for manufacturers, whether through overhauls or modernisation of machines or plants.

How it works

The application features a powerful backend portal that allows office operators to create a customized template for a specific machine model after identifying the necessary information. The technician conducting the Audit can select the model and fill the template with the information gathered on-site.

The creation process of a template includes its construction and subsequent approval by a manager before its publication on the APP.

Technical Specifications

  • The App is compatible with Tablets and Smartphones running on Android or iOS operating systems
  • The backend is a web-based application running on Windows servers and can be installed either on-premises or in the Cloud (provided by Sygest)
Software gestione manutenzione impianti - operazioni SAT | Sygest



Each template, created on the backend portal of the App for an efficient maintenance support, can be organized into sections. Different types of questions can be associated with these sections using a drag-and-drop tool. The tool allows the creation of open-ended or closed-ended questions and enables users to add photos that show the current state of the machine.

Each Audit generates a report, which is stored in the system for future reference. The portal keeps a record of the Audits performed on a specific machine for a specific customer.



Software gestione manutenzione impianti - operazioni SAT | Sygest


  • Automatic synchronisation of the templates generated from the backend portal
  • Offline use of the App (once the templates are synchronised), useful in cases where there is no Wi-Fi access.
  • The solution can be used by both the manufacturer’s technician and the end customer independently (the resulting report is then sent to the manufacturer’s technicians for analysis)
  • Asynchronous use of the app
  • Report history
Software gestione manutenzione impianti - operazioni SAT | Sygest

Info and contacts

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